News and Updates

IRG54: Uniting the Best Minds in Timber Preservation

The recent International Research Group – Wood Preservatives Cairns conference, known as IRG54, witnessed the convergence of the world’s brightest minds in the field of timber preservation.

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Rising damp and White Rot: A case study

white rot rising damp Rising damp is a common problem that affects many homes and buildings. It occurs when moisture from the ground travels up through porous building materials, such as bricks, mortar, and timber. Moisture in timber frames that have been affected by flood water, can also be trapped behind plaster sheet, tiles and architraves. This remains sight unseen. When this moisture reaches the timber frame of a building, it can cause a number of problems, including the growth of white rot.

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Introducing Preschem’s Walnut Timber Finish

Introducing Preschem’s Walnut Timber Finish: The Ultimate Solution for Exterior Hardwoods

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Aussie Clear Light and a ‘59 Chevy

A Classic Decking Oil for a Classic Pickup Truck

Occasionaly we get asked if one of Preschem’s products can be used for an atypical application.

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TWA Woodcare Range Rationalisation

Since Preschem has taken over the distribution of the TWA Woodcare range in July last year, we were always intending to rationalise this range. If you were not already aware, there were a few duplicated products. These products are identical in formulation in every sense, just different in name only. Which products you may ask?

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Videos by Drive Marine Services

Preschem has an old and very knowledgable retail customer who supplies Preschem products for timber boat maintenance. Dave and Scott at Drive Marine Services certainly know their way around timber boats, and have developed a number of specialised marine grade epoxy and acrylic products that perform brilliantly in this tough environment. Dave is also the star of a number of short but informative YouTube videos on the products he sells, including some showcasing Preschem Products.

And the interesting thing about these products for the marine market is that they’re mostly compatible with many of the Preschem timber preserviatives. Head over to the Drive Marine Services website for more details, or give them a call on 02 9533 5470.

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Decking Maintenance Season

Now that winter is behind us and we’re well into spring, its time to think about decking maintenance. The bueaty of Preschem’s Aussie Clear range and Exterior Pine Clear is that they’re dead simple to re-apply. And the results are simply stunning. But first we do need to run through some simple preparation to achieve the perfect finish.

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Beehive Timber Treatment

Beekeeping in Australia faces many challenges. Bees are particularly susceptible to insecticides and other chemicals used commonly in agriculture. So finding the right beehive timber treatment that is safe for your bees and honey is critical.

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TWA Woodcare Range Announcement

Breaking News: TWA Woodcare Range is now available through Preschem

For retail stores and the general public, please contact us now toll-free on 1800-641-711 for further information.

The RLA Group has recently anounced that the will stop the distribution of the TWA Woodcare range of timber finishes and preservatives. However, this entire range is now to be manufactured and distributed exclusively through Preschem to retail hardware and paint stores and customers Australia wide.  This now makes Preschem Australia’s premiere timber preservative specialists. No one else has such a comprehensive range of timber preservatives. With Preschem, you are guaranteed to have all bases covered.

In addition, Preschem are the timber preservation specialists. We are backed by nearly 30 years of cutting edge remedial timber preservative products. These have been developed through extensive research on 4 continents. Preschem back our products with expert knowledge, on call, free of charge.

Our long term plans are to rebrand the TWA Woodcare products under the Preschem label and to rationalise the range where there is an existing Preschem equivalent. However as of this date forward, the entire TWA Woodcare range is available for sale. This includes:

How tall is a Power Pole?

Preschem has been receiving a few questions via email asking, “How tall is a Power Pole?” It’s an interesting question. The answer is based on many variables, so has no one specific answer. Lets explain and get to the bottom of this.

Firstly, we are only going to talk about timber poles. This discussion is not about concrete or steel/concrete “Stobie” poles used in South Australia and the Northern Territory.

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