Pole Management

The Preschem Remedial Treatment System

A remedial preservative treatment program for standing poles can provide a major reduction in the cost of providing and maintaining this important infrastructure. Power authorities and companies which introduce regular pole inspection and incorporate the use of Preschem Bioguard Bandages and Polesaver Rods have been rewarded with huge cost savings in their capital replacement budgets. The program will add years of life to wooden poles by protecting the groundline region from decay and termites.

Protection From Litigation, Injuries, Bush Fires

Every Distribution Manager has strong legal and moral reasons for maintaining their wooden poles. Premature pole failure can have disastrous consequences and has resulted in loss of life and property. It is important that every power distribution company can document the inspection and maintenance procedures it follows.

The Preschem remedial treatment system combined with regular inspections is an insurance policy against costly litigation and will protect the personal safety of line workers and the public.

The Brazilian Experience

The following link is to an article in Transmission & Distribution World (a US utility industry publication) written by Adriano Gabiatti nad Pedro Montani of AES Sul Distribuidora Gaúcha de Energia S.A. The article discusses their findings after and extensive research project into prolonging the service live of timber utility poles.

Preschem Remedial Power Pole Treatment Video

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Ever wanted to know the the methodology and management philosophy of treating power poles? Preschem has now put this valuable training video for utilities who use eucalyptus species or other hardwoods in their electrical distribution and transmission poles on Youtube.

Part 1 introduces inspection techniques of timber poles for wood decay detection and highlights other common problems encountered such as termites.

Part 2 details the ground line treatment of wood poles with Preschem Polesaver Rods and Bioguard Bandage to prevent timber decay

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