TWA Woodcare Range Rationalisation
Since Preschem has taken over the distribution of the TWA Woodcare range in July last year, we were always intending to rationalise this range. If you were not already aware, there were a few duplicated products. These products are identical in formulation in every sense, just different in name only. Which products you may ask?
Let’s run through it.
TWA Woodcare Water Repellent
TWA Woodcare Water Repellent is an all purpose exterior timber finish suitable for any timber. It is a penatrative oil treatment designed to protect and enhance timber decks, pergolas, cladding, fences and furniture. It protects agaisnt the harsh Australian elements, preventing grey weathering, mould and keeps timber looking new.
Sound familiar? Because it is Aussie Clear Light. It is the identical formulation. Literally. Rather than continue with having two products listed with different labels, we’ve simply deleted the range. All you have to do from here on in is ask for Aussie Clear Light.
TWA Woodcare Woodtreat LTF
TWA Woodcare Wodtreat LTF is a general use registered timber preservative containing 2% copper as copper naphthenate. It is suitable for use on any weather exposed timber that might be prone to decay.It will stain the timber green on freshly cut timber but it turns a pleasant coppery brown with a bit of exposure to the sun and rain. It can be painted over with caution. We recommend that you attempt this only after you’ve waited at least 2-3 weeks.
Sound familiar? Because it is identical in formulation to Preschem’s Timber Preserver. Literally. If you want Woodtreat LTF, please ask for Timber Preserver.
As always, if you’re not sure, send us a comment below. Note that we don’t publish comments straight away as we do get quite a bit of spam. But we do respond to genuine enquiries as well. Alternatively you can use our contact form or give us a call toll free on 1800 641 741. We’re happy to assist you.
hi, is it possible to add a WALNUT colored TINT to the Timber Preserver brush on wood treatment 10 litre can. If so do you recommend a particular product. thax
Hi George,
Yes you could add a Cutek Walnut tint pack to the timber preserver. I think you noticed that the product goes on quite a vivid green. A bit like a green highlighter marker. The issue will be that the green colour will still show through the pigments you’ve just added.
But if this product is exposed to the sun and rain, it will alter to quite a pleasing coppery brown. How long this takes is dependent on how much sun and/or rain it gets. To speed up this oxidation process, if it’s sunny but no rain, get the hose out and sprinkle the timber with a little water.
What product can I use if I want the timber to look, as much as possible, like it hasn’t been treated at all, and I simply want it to repel water to avoid swelling and damage? I want it to go grey, I don’t want it shiny, I don’t want it going darker
Hi Jay,
Radial Timber Sealer is a water repellent but may darken the timber for a few months when applied. If it does darken it will look like it’s wet grey timber.
If you want a preservative to prevent decay and also offer protection against borer and termites, that dries clear, then Clear Wood Preservative is the answer. But it’s not overly water repellent past a month or so.
You could use a bit of both as well.
Just ordering if the TWA water repellant have an expiry date or will last for many years in the tin?
Hi Noam,
Technically it has a best before date of 18 months from when it was manufactured, which is standard for any chemical product.
However, If the tin has been sealed correctly and the contents mix well, including the sediments, and it doesn’t smell nasty (it’s hard to describe if it does turn, but trust me, it’s terrible), then it will be fine. When you do run out, the exact same product is Aussie Clear Light.