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Deck Restoration Video. To Sand or Not To Sand

Deck Restoration Video

To Sand or not to Sand?

When maintaining a deck, Preschem has always tried to promote the preparation stage, as being as important as the oiling stage. When people decide to take the easy route, they run the significant risk of having an unwanted reaction. For an older deck that gets a lot of sun, it will go very dark when oiled with no preparation, almost black in colour. When asked to recommend a procedure, we always state to use Preschem’s Grey Deck Cleaner. This brilliant oxalic acid based product removes grey weathering with ease. But when do you need to do a Deck Restoration?Let’s xplore that in this post and watch the video.

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Flooded Home Timber Frame Repair.

Flooded home damage

One of the most heartbreaking things that can happen to a homeowner, is to be the victim of a flooding event. To see your home knee deep or worse in floodwater, is a horrible thing to endure. But people are resilient, so when the floodwaters subside, the cleanup and repairs begin.

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Bowens now stocking Preschem products

Bowens now stocking Preschem timber oils and preservatives

Preschem is pleased to announce that our range of exterior timber finishes and wood preservatives, are now available from select Bowens stores and via their online store. With an understanding of timber and potential issues encountered when using it in the real world, Bowens are as passionate about timber as we are, which is evident when you visit their stores.

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Cement Dust and Timber Video

Way back in May 2016, Preschem was asked to give a presentation to the Victorian Woodworkers Association. The topic was Why Timber Changes Colour, which we turned into a news article for the Preschem website. We decided to revisit this topic as we were recently contacted by Shane, who had developed an issue with Aussie Clear Light exterior timber oil on his new Silvertop Ash deck. He noticed that 2 weeks after he oiled and it rained and that the Aussie Clear Light had pretty much disappeared. What was alarming, was the timber had gone quite grey where the rain had fallen.


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Teredo Borer

People may or may not be aware, but Preschem is part of a business group, that includes Outlast Timber in Mordialloc. Recently, the author of this post had to visit them and noticed two large 350 x 350 square ironbark posts that were riddled with Teredo Borer. The common name of this timber pest is Shipworm.

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Borer Treatment How To Video

Back in August 2023, we penned news article on Borer Treatment. In the article, we outlined the life cycle of tyctid borer in he sapwood of a hardwood. At the end of the article we discussed which of Preschem’s products could be used to treat them.

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Careys Paint Place

Watch Carey of Careys Paint Place in Mansfield discusses the Preschem range of products. Careys Paint Place was Preschem’s top store in 2023

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Preschem is now on Facebook

Did you know that in October last year, Preschem started a page on Facebook. We would love for you to like us and follow. Preshcem is going to be adding a lot of great content in the coming months.

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Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and Boron Treatment: A Decade of Timber Preservation Triumphs


In the realm of timber preservation, Preschem’s unwavering commitment to innovation has yielded remarkable results, particularly highlighted in the 2009 FWPA paper, “Eight-year Final Inspection of Model Windows Exposed in the Accelerated Field Simulator.” by Laurie Cookson et al at the CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering division.

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Borer Treatment

Borer damage to timber is typically less significant when compared to termites. But if left untreated, they will eventually create similar damage. This article will hopefully help you understand how borer damage occurs and what Preschem products can be used successfully for borer treamtment.

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