Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and Boron Treatment: A Decade of Timber Preservation Triumphs
In the realm of timber preservation, Preschem’s unwavering commitment to innovation has yielded remarkable results, particularly highlighted in the 2009 FWPA paper, “Eight-year Final Inspection of Model Windows Exposed in the Accelerated Field Simulator.” by Laurie Cookson et al at the CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering division. This simulated field trial over a decade, highlights the relative effectiveness of Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and boron treatments in general. While boron has well documented limitations due to its solubility in water, it is still a key player within wood preservation. This paper should be of particular interest for joinery businesses who specialise in timber window frames and external doors.
Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and Boron Treatment Triumph:
Cookson’s decade-long exploration revealed that amidst various treatments and timber variations, Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and boron treatment emerged as stalwarts in the battle against decay. The application of these innovative methods showcased exceptional results, revolutionizing the landscape of timber preservation.
Azole LOSP: A Formidable Protector:
The study emphasized the efficacy of Azole LOSP as a dip treatment in safeguarding eucalypt windows, especially when higher retentions were employed. This result is in line with other papers from IRG-WP, which show similar performance in real world testing. This demonstrates that LOSP treatment of hardwoods via dipping, could play an important part in extending the life of low natural durability hardwoods such as E. Regnans.
Note that Preschem doesn’t manufacture “primary” treatments containing Azoles, that meet the requirements of AS 1604. We’re highlighting that primary treatment formulations can play an important role.
The Crucial Role of Paint Protection:
An essential revelation from the research, was the importance of paint protection for the sustained efficacy of Azole LOSP and No-Rot Rods. Preschem recognizes the significance of this insight, highlighting the synergy between quality timber treatments and more traditional surface coating as an external protective measures. In essence, dry wood won’t rot, but when the paint breaks down and rain eventually gets in, the preservative system takes over the fight. This is a multi-layered defence against decay.
Azole vs. TBTN vs NoRot Rods: Clear Superiority Unveiled:
Cookson et al’s findings unequivocally showcased the superiority of Azole over TBTN primary treatment formulations. It is clear that more environmentally and user friendly options are becoming available. TBTN based formulations haven’t been used in Australia for some time, as they have a much higher high associated risk.
Preschem’s ethos, is to make remedial timber preservatives with low environmental and health impacts. No-Rot Rods have a low chemical risk associated with it in storage, application and over the service life of the timber once applied. Preschem’s commitment to research and development has paid dividends, positioning No-Rot Rods as having a clear all round advantage in the quest for durable, decay-resistant windows.
Boron Treatment Breakthrough:
A surprising revelation from the research was the impressive performance of boron as an H1 primary treatment for borer protection. Preschem sees this as a breakthrough, suggesting that boron treatment could serve as a viable alternative to LOSP treatment for painted windows. This unexpected success opens new avenues for other diffusible boron treatments, such as No-Rot Gel.
No-Rot Rods: Affordable Excellence:
Preschem’s No-Rot Rods, infused with diffusible preservative rods containing boron, demonstrated remarkable effectiveness. Cookson’s paper acknowledges the relatively inexpensive nature of this method for window protection, aligning with Preschem’s commitment to providing cost-effective, yet high-performance, preservation solutions.
Application of Results: Guiding the Future of Preservation:
The culmination of Cookson’s research provides a roadmap for the future of timber preservation. Preschem is dedicated to applying these results, leveraging the success of No-Rot Rods and boron treatments such as No-Rot Gel, to enhance the durability and resilience of timber products. The insights gained from this study fuel Preschem’s ongoing mission to pioneer sustainable, effective preservation methods that stand the test of time.
Preschem’s No-Rot Rods and potentially No-Rot Gel treatments, emerge from Cookson’s research as beacons of excellence in the wood preservation arena. As the industry evolves, Preschem remains at the forefront, driven by a commitment to innovation and a vision for a future where timber products defy decay, thanks to the pioneering solutions born from meticulous research and unwavering dedication.