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Timber Finishes – The new Radial Timber Sealer

wood finishes radial timber sealertimber finishes | timber treatment

Preschem has recently re-released it’s Radial Timber Sealer product. However, it’s a new high tech formulation from the ground up! This wood finish was originally designed for Radial Timber* projects, where the architect or customer wished the timber to weather off to that silver-grey look, while protecting it from the elements. As far as timber finishes go this is a specialist product and as such, may not be very well understood. Hopefully this post will explain clearly the features of Radial Timber Sealer. We’ll start at the beginning which means a quick lesson on timber and dimensional stability.

All wood has a natural moisture content. This moisture content varies significantly depending on a number of factors such as is it “green” meaning unseasoned through to being properly processed and dried such as kiln dried. Typically Australian Eucalypt timber that’s “green” has a moisture content (MC) as high as 80%. Kiln dried timber will be between 11-15%.

The significance of this is when timber changes MC it shrinks if it’s drying, but expands if it takes up moisture. Rapid changes in MC can cause issues such as warping, cupping, splitting and checking. What happens is the outer surface shrinks or expands rapidly, but the timber under that surface takes longer to change MC, so internal stresses are created. This is dimensional instability and is to be avoided where possible. When timber is processed from green to kiln dried, it is done slowly and carefully to avoid this. However, even timber that has been properly kiln dried can still have splitting and checking occur when its placed in a weather exposed situation, especially without any finish applied. The wood will still adjust it’s MC to its environment and this process is called seasoning. Seasoning will also cause dimensional stability issues.

Where the ultimate goal is to have the timber weather off to a pleasing silver-grey but prevent the issues of splitting, cupping and checking. You thus need a timber finish or wood treatment such as Radial Timber Sealer. Its key features are:

  • Once off application for newly installed durable timber, where the desired result is to weather naturally
  • Unpigmented and contains no UV agent so allows the timber to turn silver-grey
  • Clear finish formulated to control moisture and even stops wetting for around 6 months
  • Highly effective moisture control for 12 months allows the timber to completely season naturally
  • Contains a powerful mouldacide that prevents sapstain or bluestain moulds during seasoning

radial timber sealer will give you the natural weathered look

If you wish to maintain the timber’s “new look” rather than allow it to go grey, then the timber finish product to use is Aussie Clear for mid to dark toned hardwoods, or Aussie Clear Light for blond and lightly coloured timber. Exterior Pine Clear is the recommended product for Treated Pine.

* Radial Timber Sales is the wholesale/retail arm of Radial Timber Australia. Both companies are part of our wider business group. The Radial technology of cutting sawlogs is unique technology that allows very high yields from smaller plantation or new growth logs, while improving dimensional stability. Visit for more information on the technology and product profiles.

Which Wood Preservative for painted Timber Windows with rot? No Rot Gel.

wood preservative | window repair

One common question asked by the public is how to conduct a window repair when its affected by wood decay. The next question always is, what’s a suitable wood preservative when the window repair is to be painted over. The answer is quite simply: No Rot Gel.

Preschem No Rot Gel Wood Preservative

The cause of the wood decay, or dry rot is typically due to the paint system starting to break down by cracking or peeling. This allows moisture to get into the timber when it rains thus allowing the onset of timber decay. To remedy this it is recommended that you apply a suitable wood preservative such as Preschem’s No Rot Gel:

  • Strip or sand back the painted surface to bare timber around the affected section, preferably 300mm in all directions from where there is visible decay.This is advisable even if the rot is localised in one small section, as the fungi will be spreading via tendril like fingers that will be difficult to detect under the painted surface. The fungi will do this to spread elsewhere if the conditions are right. It’s best to knock it properly on the head the first time rather than have it causing you grief several years down the track, including the potential of having to replace the window frame entirely.
  • Dig out the dry rot carefully with a chisel or similar implement until you get to sound wood.
  • Dampen the timber with water
  • Apply No Rot Gel timber preservative as per the directions on the pack. Ensure that 2 coats are applied within 2 hours. If you leave it longer than that between the recommended two coats, you run the risk of the solvent drying, which means the second coat will not soak in. You can apply the second coat as soon as the first one has soaked in.
  • Allow the No Rot Gel to dry for about 24 hours
  • Use a suitable exterior timber filler to repair the cavity. Allow it to dry as per the manufacturers recommendations, then sand to a smooth uniform surface.
  • Paint over the repair with a quality exterior paint.

The advantage of No Rot Gel being used in this way is that it will kill and sanitise any dormant or active wood rot including the tendrils that are looking for another spot to grow. In addition, the timber preservative is locked in under the paint, where the boron active ingredient will remain there indefinitely, waiting for such a time where moisture starts finding its way back into the timber. Obviously if you’re properly maintaining your painting, then this could be a very long time indeed, as dry wood won’t rot.

Note: If you’re wanting a timber treatment for exterior use that won’t be painted over, then Timber Preserver is product to use.

For those of you who live within the Melbourne metro region and wish to have a tradesman come and do the work for you, then I recommend that you contact the Wood Rot Doctor to discuss your repair requirements on 1800 641 711 or visit the website at

Aussie Clear on Merbau decking

decking oil | timber finishes

One of the most common mistakes when people apply Aussie Clear as a decking oil onto new Merbau timber, is that people don’t properly read the application instructions. The instructions read: “allow new Merbau timber to weather for 6 to 8 weeks prior to applying Aussie Clear” and “… any excess oil remaining on the surface after 2 hours should be wiped off.”

Aussie Clear on Merbau Decking

Over oiled Merbau deck. Note the sheen which should not occur if Aussie Clear is correctly applied.

The reason for this is two fold:

1. Merbau is a very resinous timber.

If the timber is new then when you apply any decking oil product, those resins will mean you won’t get as much of the oil into the timber. It is preferable to allow it to weather for 6-8 weeks, or wash it regularly with fresh water if under cover for about the same period. It’s the water that bleeds the resins out of the timber. In other words, timber finishes work best when you allow the timber to weather. When you do this, your first application of Aussie Clear will be a proper “dose” and should last between 9-12 months (depending on exposure).

However, there is one exception to this where Preschem would recommend oiling the timber straight away, and that’s if the deck has been completed in the middle of a heat wave. In this instance, put one very light coating of Aussie Clear down immediately, as this will prevent the timber rapidly drying which can cause dimensional instability resulting in cupping, splitting and checking. However, this light application will not last all that long for the reasons explained above, so you will need to reapply sooner than what would normally be expected.

Over oiled Merbau Deck

Over oiled Merbau decking. Note the film is wearing off quickly.


2. Aussie Clear that hasn’t soaked in after 2 hours will form a semi-gloss film.

When applied correctly to a timber deck using a lambswool applicator, Aussie Clear decking oil will not form a film. If there is an excess on the timber, then that oil forms a film on the timber if it’s not removed with a clean dry rag. This film actually looks quite pleasing, so the common mistake is to keep re-applying the oil until its a “nice” looking finish. This film can occur with any timber, but is more likely to occur with new Merbau due to it’s high resin content.

The problem with this is that the film is not durable. It’s very easy to scratch and scuff the surface, which is a common complaint when this occurs. This is especially true on a hot day, as the coating softens significantly with heat.

Aussie Clear is designed to be a true penetrative matte wood finish. It will protect and enhance the timber through it’s proven formulation by:

  • protect against UV weathering
  • improve dimensional stability by controlling moisture content
  • prevent unsightly sapstain/bluestain moulds
  • enhance the natural beauty of timber season after season with regular maintenance

No-Rot Instructional Video is now on Youtube

No-Rot Instructional Video is now on Youtube

Preschem has just completed its first instructional video for the DIY home handyman. These videos will focus on our Australian Made wood finishes and preservative products.

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Radial Timber Sealer Redux!

Radial Timber Sealer

Preschem is proud to announce the relaunch of Radial Timber Sealer in a brand new and improved formulation. This new product will seal any hardwood from moisture while still allowing the timber to grey weather naturally. Go to the new Radial Timber Sealer page to learn more or check out our MSDS & Tech Data page.

Did You Know?

Outlast Timber, Preschem and Radial Timber Sales all come under the same business group

Did you know that Preschem is part of a larger business group that specialises entirely on Timber?

Radial Timber Sales

The other businesses include Radial Timber Australia, which is the timber mill in Gipsland that manufactures cladding, decking, screen boards and posts. All Radial Timber is sourced from sustainable plantation and managed forests of durable Victorian hardwoods. The three most commonly milled species are Silvertop Ash, Yellow Stringybark and Southern Mahogany. Radial Timber Sales in Dandenong South is the retail arm of the mill. Radial Timber has been featured in some of Australia’s biggest and most prominent architectural projects in recent years, so check out their projects and photo gallery page for inspiration.

Outlast Timber

The last business in the group is Outlast Timber based in Mordialloc. Outlast is a timber retailer that specialises only in durable Australian sourced timbers such as Ironbark, Redgum, Spotted Gum, Cypress Pine and the Radial Timber range. Outlast timber is the perfect place to shop for those small DIY projects through to large commercial landscape or building contracts such as decking, pergolas, al fresco areas and general landscaping where durable, long lasting hardwood timber is a must!

Christmas – New Year Trading

Merry Christmas | Happy New Year

Please note that Preschem will close for trading from midday Thursday 21st December and re-open at 9am on Monday 7th January.

For our retail and commercial customer, please ensure that your orders for Christmas are placed no later than Monday 17th December to ensure that they arrive prior to Christmas. After that date, we cannot guarantee consignments will arrive in time.

Preschem would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for your support over 2012 and wish you all a Merry Christmas and safe and prosperous New Year.

Preschem Remedial Power Pole Treatment Video is now on Youtube

YouTube Logo

Ever wanted to know the the methodology and management philosophy of treating power poles? Preschem has now put this valuable training video for utilities who use eucalyptus species or other hardwoods in their electrical distribution and transmission poles on Youtube.

Part 1 introduces inspection techniques of timber poles for wood decay detection and highlights other common problems encountered such as termites.

Part 2 details the ground line treatment of wood poles with Preschem Polesaver Rods and Bioguard Bandage to prevent timber decay

Don’t forget to visit Pole Management pages to get better understanding about Pole Treatment.

Preschem Products now available through Master’s Home Improvement

Preschem products available at Master's

Preschem is excited to announce that the DIY Clear Timber Finish and Timber Preservative product range can now be found in the new Masters Home Improvement stores. There are now over 20 stores open around Australia.

To find your nearest Masters store, click on to the stockist locator page. Preschem is updating the store list locator monthly to include the latest Masters store openings.

New Stockist Locator


The Preschem stockist store locator has been recently upgraded and updated to assist our customers in finding the nearest store location to purchase DIY Timber Finish and Timber Preservative product range.

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