Deck Maintenance

Many people ask how to maintain a deck and it can appear to be a daunting task. An outdoor hardwood timber deck is a valuable addition to your home as it provides an enjoyable outdoor living space to entertain or relax. So to keep it looking “as new” is easier and quicker than you think. Preschem will show you how in our simple 3 step process for glorious results, every single time. But firstly, you will need the following tools and items:

  • Hose with trigger nozzle or pressure cleaner (preferably with a car cleaning nozzle)
  • Deck preparation broom
  • 15-20lt bucket
  • Preschem’s Grey Deck Cleaner
  • Preschem’s Aussie Clear decking oil
  • Lambswool applicator and roller tray
  • Paint brush
  • Rags
  • Mineral Turpentine

Note that there are some excellent all-in-one kits that contain the preparation broom, lambswool applicator, paint stirrer, paint tin opener, segmented pole and roller tray. They are also by far, the easiest way to oil a deck with consistent results. You can use a roller or a brush, but it’s more work and the finish can be prone to be a little inconsistent. In addition, these kits are readily available at your local hardware or paint retailer for around $25.00. They therefore are excellent value for money.


Believe it or not, this is the most important step. If you don’t properly prepare the deck, you will most likely end up with a disappointing result. Preschem’s Grey Deck Cleaner works brilliantly in Deck Cleaner | Deck Washpreparing the deck for application of a decking oil.

For a new deck, we recommend that you allow it to weather for 6-8 weeks unless it was completed in the middle of summer. This article goes into this in more detail. But for older decking timber, it will have weathered over time. This means that the timber will grey through UV exposure. In addition, the rain washes the natural oils, pigments and tannins out of the timber, which also gives the timber a grey appearance. So as part of your preparation:

  1. Remove all items such as pot plants, furniture, BBQ etc off your deck
  2. Quickly clean off any built up surface grime with a hose or pressure cleaner
  3. Apply Preschem’s Grey Deck Cleaner to the deck using a Deck Preparation Brush
  4. Wash off the Grey Deck Cleaner thoroughly with a hose or pressure cleaner

Note the result when the timber is wet. If it looks fantastic, then that’s the result you will get when you oil it. If it’s dull, dark and can’t see the grain features, you will need to hit it again with Grey Deck Cleaner.

Once you are satisfied that the preparation is complete, allow the deck to dry for 24 hours.

ApplicationAussie Clear Exterior Timber Finish by Preschem

By far the easiest way to maintain your timber deck, is with true penetrative oil finishes like Preschem’s Aussie Clear. They are very forgiving if you allow the maintenance to lapse a little. In most cases of neglect, they just require thorough preparation as mentioned above.

Aussie Clear is arguably the one of best decking oil products on the market. It’s a lightly pigmented formulation, designed for commonly available hardwoods and exposure to harsh Australian conditions. It protects against UV, moisture ingress and unsightly sapstain moulds. It has a matte natural timber appearance that enhances the natural beauty and grain features. The Aussie Clear range is available in two colours, Aussie Clear for mid to dark toned timbers, and Aussie Clear Light for blond to mid toned timbers.

  1. Start by figuring out where you will end up when finished. It’s not recommended that you walk on a newly oiled deck, so don’t oil your way into a corner.
  2. Thoroughly mix the can or drum of Aussie Clear and pour a quantity into the roller tray. Use a brush to carefully cut in around the edges of the deck, poles, brickwork or in-deck lighting etc.
  3. Liberally apply Aussie Clear decking oil onto the timber using the lambswool applicator. Work the oil into the timber, as it’s not designed to form a varnish like film. But the applicator makes this task very easy.
  4. It may look like you have lap marks from where you cut in the edges with the main part of the deck, but they disappear when the deck dries.
  5. If you need a second coat, then apply that after 24 hours, repeating the steps above. Take more time to work the oil in and rub off any excess oil within 2 hours.

Allow 24-48 hours for the deck to dry after the final application before using it.

Enjoy your DeckPreschem Deck Maintenance

By now you were probably wondering why there were 3 parts. But after you’ve spent around 2 hours maintaining it (based on a deck size of around 25-40 m2) over 2 or three days, so enjoy it. It’s there
for that reason, whether to entertain guests, relax with a book and coffee, or enjoy some quiet time with your family. It’s the reason why decks have become so popular as they offer an appealing outdoor lifestyle in your own home.

Where to Buy Grey Deck Cleaner and the Aussie Clear Range

Masters home Improvement, Mitre10, Home Hardware, Thrifty Hardware, Morgans Paints, Paintspot, 3D Paints and a number of selected independent hardware and paint specialists. Click Here for your nearest available stockists.

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